Source code for logbook.notifiers


    System notify handlers for OSX and Linux.

    :copyright: (c) 2010 by Armin Ronacher, Christopher Grebs.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import base64
import os
import sys
from http import client as http_client
from time import time
from urllib.parse import urlencode

from logbook.base import ERROR, NOTSET, WARNING
from logbook.handlers import Handler, LimitingHandlerMixin
from logbook.helpers import get_application_name

[docs] def create_notification_handler(application_name=None, level=NOTSET, icon=None): """Creates a handler perfectly fit the current platform. On Linux systems this creates a :class:`LibNotifyHandler`, on OS X systems it will create a :class:`GrowlHandler`. """ if sys.platform == "darwin": return GrowlHandler(application_name, level=level, icon=icon) return LibNotifyHandler(application_name, level=level, icon=icon)
[docs] class NotificationBaseHandler(Handler, LimitingHandlerMixin): """Baseclass for notification handlers.""" def __init__( self, application_name=None, record_limit=None, record_delta=None, level=NOTSET, filter=None, bubble=False, ): Handler.__init__(self, level, filter, bubble) LimitingHandlerMixin.__init__(self, record_limit, record_delta) if application_name is None: application_name = get_application_name() self.application_name = application_name
[docs] def make_title(self, record): """Called to get the title from the record.""" return f"{}: {record.level_name.title()}"
[docs] def make_text(self, record): """Called to get the text of the record.""" return record.message
[docs] class GrowlHandler(NotificationBaseHandler): """A handler that dispatches to Growl. Requires that either growl-py or py-Growl are installed. """ def __init__( self, application_name=None, icon=None, host=None, password=None, record_limit=None, record_delta=None, level=NOTSET, filter=None, bubble=False, ): NotificationBaseHandler.__init__( self, application_name, record_limit, record_delta, level, filter, bubble ) # growl is using the deprecated md5 module, but we really don't need # to see that deprecation warning from warnings import filterwarnings filterwarnings(module="Growl", category=DeprecationWarning, action="ignore") try: import Growl self._growl = Growl except ImportError: raise RuntimeError( "The growl module is not available. You have " "to install either growl-py or py-Growl to " "use the GrowlHandler." ) if icon is not None: if not os.path.isfile(icon): raise OSError("Filename to an icon expected.") icon = self._growl.Image.imageFromPath(icon) else: try: icon = self._growl.Image.imageWithIconForCurrentApplication() except TypeError: icon = None self._notifier = self._growl.GrowlNotifier( applicationName=self.application_name, applicationIcon=icon, notifications=[ "Notset", "Debug", "Info", "Notice", "Warning", "Error", "Critical", ], hostname=host, password=password, ) self._notifier.register()
[docs] def is_sticky(self, record): """Returns `True` if the sticky flag should be set for this record. The default implementation marks errors and criticals sticky. """ return record.level >= ERROR
[docs] def get_priority(self, record): """Returns the priority flag for Growl. Errors and criticals are get highest priority (2), warnings get higher priority (1) and the rest gets 0. Growl allows values between -2 and 2. """ if record.level >= ERROR: return 2 elif record.level == WARNING: return 1 return 0
[docs] def emit(self, record): if not self.check_delivery(record)[1]: return self._notifier.notify( record.level_name.title(), self.make_title(record), self.make_text(record), sticky=self.is_sticky(record), priority=self.get_priority(record), )
[docs] class LibNotifyHandler(NotificationBaseHandler): """A handler that dispatches to libnotify. Requires pynotify installed. If `no_init` is set to `True` the initialization of libnotify is skipped. """ def __init__( self, application_name=None, icon=None, no_init=False, record_limit=None, record_delta=None, level=NOTSET, filter=None, bubble=False, ): NotificationBaseHandler.__init__( self, application_name, record_limit, record_delta, level, filter, bubble ) try: import pynotify self._pynotify = pynotify except ImportError: raise RuntimeError( "The pynotify library is required for the LibNotifyHandler." ) self.icon = icon if not no_init: pynotify.init(self.application_name)
[docs] def set_notifier_icon(self, notifier, icon): """Used to attach an icon on a notifier object.""" try: from gtk import gdk except ImportError: # TODO: raise a warning? raise RuntimeError("The gtk.gdk module is required to set an icon.") if icon is not None: if not isinstance(icon, gdk.Pixbuf): icon = gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(icon) notifier.set_icon_from_pixbuf(icon)
[docs] def get_expires(self, record): """Returns either EXPIRES_DEFAULT or EXPIRES_NEVER for this record. The default implementation marks errors and criticals as EXPIRES_NEVER. """ pn = self._pynotify return pn.EXPIRES_NEVER if record.level >= ERROR else pn.EXPIRES_DEFAULT
[docs] def get_urgency(self, record): """Returns the urgency flag for pynotify. Errors and criticals are get highest urgency (CRITICAL), warnings get higher priority (NORMAL) and the rest gets LOW. """ pn = self._pynotify if record.level >= ERROR: return pn.URGENCY_CRITICAL elif record.level == WARNING: return pn.URGENCY_NORMAL return pn.URGENCY_LOW
[docs] def emit(self, record): if not self.check_delivery(record)[1]: return notifier = self._pynotify.Notification( self.make_title(record), self.make_text(record) ) notifier.set_urgency(self.get_urgency(record)) notifier.set_timeout(self.get_expires(record)) self.set_notifier_icon(notifier, self.icon)
[docs] class BoxcarHandler(NotificationBaseHandler): """Sends notifications to Can be forwarded to your iPhone or other compatible device. """ api_url = "" def __init__( self, email, password, record_limit=None, record_delta=None, level=NOTSET, filter=None, bubble=False, ): NotificationBaseHandler.__init__( self, None, record_limit, record_delta, level, filter, bubble ) = email self.password = password
[docs] def get_screen_name(self, record): """Returns the value of the screen name field.""" return record.level_name.title()
[docs] def emit(self, record): if not self.check_delivery(record)[1]: return body = urlencode( { "notification[from_screen_name]": self.get_screen_name(record).encode( "utf-8" ), "notification[message]": self.make_text(record).encode("utf-8"), "notification[from_remote_service_id]": str(int(time() * 100)), } ) con = http_client.HTTPSConnection("") con.request( "POST", "/notifications/", headers={ "Authorization": "Basic " + base64.b64encode(f"{}:{self.password}".encode()).strip(), }, body=body, ) con.close()
[docs] class NotifoHandler(NotificationBaseHandler): """Sends notifications to Can be forwarded to your Desktop, iPhone, or other compatible device. """ def __init__( self, application_name=None, username=None, secret=None, record_limit=None, record_delta=None, level=NOTSET, filter=None, bubble=False, hide_level=False, ): try: import notifo except ImportError: raise RuntimeError( "The notifo module is not available. You have " "to install notifo to use the NotifoHandler." ) NotificationBaseHandler.__init__( self, None, record_limit, record_delta, level, filter, bubble ) self._notifo = notifo self.application_name = application_name self.username = username self.secret = secret self.hide_level = hide_level
[docs] def emit(self, record): if self.hide_level: _level_name = None else: _level_name = self.level_name self._notifo.send_notification( self.username, self.secret, None, record.message, self.application_name, _level_name, None, )
[docs] class PushoverHandler(NotificationBaseHandler): """Sends notifications to Can be forwarded to your Desktop, iPhone, or other compatible device. If `priority` is not one of -2, -1, 0, or 1, it is set to 0 automatically. """ def __init__( self, application_name=None, apikey=None, userkey=None, device=None, priority=0, sound=None, record_limit=None, record_delta=None, level=NOTSET, filter=None, bubble=False, max_title_len=100, max_message_len=512, ): super().__init__(None, record_limit, record_delta, level, filter, bubble) self.application_name = application_name self.apikey = apikey self.userkey = userkey self.device = device self.priority = priority self.sound = sound self.max_title_len = max_title_len self.max_message_len = max_message_len if self.application_name is None: self.title = None else: self.title = self._crop(self.application_name, self.max_title_len) if self.priority not in [-2, -1, 0, 1]: self.priority = 0 def _crop(self, msg, max_len): if max_len is not None and max_len > 0 and len(msg) > max_len: return f"{msg[: max_len - 3]}..." else: return msg
[docs] def emit(self, record): message = self._crop(record.message, self.max_message_len) body_dict = { "token": self.apikey, "user": self.userkey, "message": message, "priority": self.priority, } if self.title is not None: body_dict["title"] = self.title if self.device is not None: body_dict["device"] = self.device if self.sound is not None: body_dict["sound"] = self.sound body = urlencode(body_dict) con = http_client.HTTPSConnection("") con.request("POST", "/1/messages.json", body=body) con.close()